  1. Everything That Happens Is Good (Romans 8:28)- audio or text

  2. A Godly Home Guarantees Godly Kids (Proverbs 22:6)- audio or text

  3. Christians Should Not Judge (Matthew 7:1)- audio or text

  4. To Forgive Means to Forget (Hebrews 8:12, Ephesians 4:32)- audio or text

  5. God Has A Specific Plan For My Life (Romans 12:1-2)- audio or text

  6. Following God Means Good Fortune (Psalm 73)- audio or text

  7. A Downturn Means a Wrong Turn (Exodus 14:1-4)- audio or text

  8. If It Feels Good, Do It (1 Corinthians 4:3-5, Jeremiah 17:9)- audio or text