Financial Giving Options


Online Giving

You can donate through givelify on a one time or reoccurring basis. You can also donate for our benevolence via the site.

Mail in Your Donation

You can always mail in your donations directly to the church.

Checks can be mailed to:
Brick Church
N1509 Brick School Rd
Walworth, WI 53184

Through Your Financial Institution

You can give your tithe and any additional gifts through your personal financial institution’s online bill payment service.

It’s simple. All you have to do is indicate “Brick Church” as your payee, specify your name as the account, and use the following information for the payee address:

Brick Church
N1509 Brick School Rd
Walworth, WI 53184

Your financial institution will send the payment, and we will record it toward your giving record just as if you had written the check yourself.

In Person Giving

You can give in person by placing checks or cash into the donation boxes at the entrances of the sanctuary. If donating with cash, there are envelopes available to put your name so that we can record the giving for your record.